Your environment and the events from your life define in fact ... who you really are now. … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

“I just don’t like the life i have”.

“I hate those people from my life”.

“My life ... just sucks”.

An infinite list with examples ... of how most of us define the actual reality.

But whatever reality we have ... in the end this is the life we have ... and we need to accept it as it is ... or change it.

There is no middle way and the funny thing is that we always forget that everything we see in our daily lives is just a reflection ... of who we really are.

So ... is the environment a reflection of us?!

Are the events a mirror of who we really are deep inside us?!

You think that .... those philosophical questions are too annoying?!

Well ... if the answer is yes ... you are in trouble.

Just make an exercise ... ask yourself ... why you meet so often annoying people?!

Or why the neighborhood where you live in ... is the way it is?!

Are you similar with the people from there?!

And i should also ask ...are you an annoying person too?!

Hmm ... i am sure you don’t like what i write.

All the time when someone told me while describing what i don’t like ... that everything is just a reflection of my soul and my


actions ... i became angry.

But i was angry not because that person was not correct ... but because i knew it was a true statement.

And it really became annoying for me to hear that all the time.

I understood the message ... but i did not accepted the message.

I was on the same frequency with the environment, but also the one of the events from my life.

You see ... sometimes the things are just the way they are ... and we prefer to accept them ... than ... make a change.

Is much easier ... and we consider is even ... safer as that.

Yes ... it’s much easier to say i don’t like my life ... i hate it ... it’s a mess.

We are good when it comes about talking ... but it’s too difficult to accept that life is just a mirror.

... just think about it!






Download the book ”Behind the abstract ... there is always a messagewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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